Minggu, 21 Juni 2015

Automotif Engine, Function and part differential gear, defenition


Automotif Engine     Differential Gear is one part of the vehicle that is located in between propler shafts and wheels.

Gear differential serves to forward / transfer torque from the drive shaft (propeller shaft) to the rear axle (axle shaft), in addition to the differential gear also serves to distinguish the left and right wheel rotation when the vehicle turned left or to the right.

The following sections exist on Differential: 

Differential carrier / home axle.
1. Differential carrier / home axle. 

Serves to protect and as a component such as a drive axle pinion gear and the ring gear.

Companion flange 
2. Companion flange / flange connector.

- Serves to continue the rotation of the propeller shaft to the drive  pinion shaft.

Dust deflector.
3. Dust deflector.

- Serves to hold the oil seal / seal oil.

Oil slinger

 4. Oil slinger

- Just as the dust deflector.

- Oil slinger also serves to hold the oil seal / seal oil.

Oil seal

5. Oil seal
- Work to prevent oil leakage on the axle.

Front bearing
6. Front bearing / bearings front.

- Serves to smooth / soften the drive pinion shaft rotation.

Rear bearing
7. Rear bearing

- Just like the front bearing, rear bearing also serves to smooth / soften the drive pinion shaft rotation.

8. Outer race.

- Serves as a Bearing holder.

Collapsible spacer.
   9. Collapsible spacer.

   - Serves as a conduit distance / separation between Front bearing  Rear bearing.

Shim / thin plate.

10. Shim / thin plate.

- Serves to adjust the spacing adjustment gear contact between the drive pinion gear with the ring gear.

Drive pinion shaft / axle pinion drive.

11. Drive pinion shaft / axle pinion drive.

- Serves to continue the rotation of companion flage toward the drive pinion gear

Drive pinion gear
12. Drive pinion gear / pinion gear drive.

- Serves to continue the rotation of the drive pinion gear shaft toward eing.

13. Ring gear

Ring gear
- Serves to continue the torque of the drive pinion gear toward the differential case.

- In addition, the ring gear also serves to enlarge the torque generated by the drive pinion gear.

Differential case.
14. Differential case.

- Serves to continue the torque of the differential ring gear toward the pinion shaft.

- As holder differential side gear and pinion shaft.

Differential pinion shaft.
15. Differential pinion shaft.

- Serves to continue the torque of the differential case to pinion gear differential.

Differential pinion gear
16. Differential pinion gear / planetary gear.

- Serves to distinguish the left and right wheels spin when turned to the left or right.

Side gear
17. Side gear 

- Serves to continue the torque of the differential pinion gear to the axle shafts (axles).


18. Pin.

- Serves to lock the differential pinion shaft.

Lock clamp.
19. Lock clamp.

- To strengthen the tightening of the bolts between the ring gear to the differential case.

Side bearing

20. Side bearing / bearing side.

- Serves to facilitate the differential rotation case.

Trust washer
21. Trust washer / thrust ring.

- As a side barrier with differential gear case.

- It also serves as a lubricant differential pinion gear and side gear.

Bearing cap.

22. Bearing cap.

- Serves as a bearing sode.

- It also serves as a groove on the adjusting nut adjustment.

Adjusting nut.

23. Adjusting nut.

- Serves to adjust the distance / contact between the ring gear set dg drive pinion gear shaft.

Adjusting nut lock

24. Adjusting nut lock / latch bolt setter.

- Serves to lock the adjusting nut that are not easily rotate.

1 komentar:

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